The girls developed the idea of Poor Camp. One week a year, their kids would relive aspects of their childhood:
- have use of only one car; if you need the car that day, then take Dad to work
- no soda or "fun food" in the house
- lots of pinto beans and hamburger meat
- go shopping at the grocery store that only carries generic canned food (not store brand, but the white label type that say only "Corn") and sack your own groceries
- use coupons
- no cable TV or internet
- go clothes shopping with a limited amount of cash, and go to Goodwill, resale or discount stores only
- go garage sale hunting
- no cell phones
- make a Christmas or birthday present by hand for someone
- make the wrapping paper out of paint and butcher paper, or use colored comic pages
- cut a cedar tree for your Christmas tree
- cook every meal; no eating out
- swim in a tank or lake, not a pool
- gather and cut your own firewood
- buy cheap toilet paper and Kleenex
- make sack lunches and/or picnic if away from home during the day
- take free tours of any place that will let you
- get books from the library
- play outside
- earn allowance by doing chores
- play board games and Scrabble (without all the letters)
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