Monday, July 29, 2013

Day by Day...

I really did come home from my Camino in Spain! Then I went to Italy. Came home, and then went to Montana. Came home, and am committing to actually doing some productive things like working and writing. Even though I am going to Colorado next week. :)

After a bit of self-debating, I decided to turn my daily Camino journal into a book in which I write my detailed story, including everything while it is still fresh in my mind and heart. That way, when I am old(er) and my memory or heart may be fading, I can gain refreshment from my own words. And if anyone else wants that much info, that will be icing on the cake.

I decided that my blog will be my forum for telling one incident, anecdote or experience of each day on the Camino: a glimpse into the journey, hopefully inspiring and/or entertaining, but not overwhelming. I will also include some pictures, as I am a visual person and you may be too.

Disclaimer: all names of pilgrims are first names only, may be accurate and may be already confusedly inaccurate. Their surname is their country of origin, if I know it. I did this in my journal to help me remember them specifically. We often never introduced ourselves, and I rarely knew anyone's last name. Anonymity is given both out of necessity and respect.

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